Running Cyberchef Locally with Docker


Cyberchef is a go-to tool for me and it has been for a good reason. It’s easily accessible via the web by just simply going to

Or you can just download the zip file and host locally. Usually the Chrome extension 200OK does the job for me.

Link to Chrome extension 200OK!:


However, for ease of access, I created a docker image in which it will host the static cyberchef site with Flask. All you need to do is run the following command:

sudo docker pull humangod/cyberchef
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 humangod/cyberchef

-d flag will run the docker container in the background. And now you will be able to access the site with or your local ip as it will be listening on by default.



If you don’t have docker, you can just install on debian, ubuntu by running:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install

After installing you can check the docker versoin with sudo docker -v.

Here are a few useful commands:

#show docker images
sudo docker images

#show running containers
sudo docker ps

#stop the container
sudo docker stop <container id>

#remove the container
sudo docker rm <container id>